On Windows
./wxMCA/run_mds.com will launch the MCA Data Server. Note that only one copy of the MDS may run at any time.
run_wxMCA.com will launch the graphical user interface via ./wxMCA/wxGUI/MCA_Main.py
On Linux
Open a terminal in the wxMCA folder and make sure your python3 command points to a Python 3.7 (or higher) installation that also includes ZMQ, wxPython and Matplotlib.
sudo python3 ./mds/mca_server.py (or ./run_mds.sh) will launch the MCA Data Server. Note that you need root privileges to run the MDS. Only one copy of the MDS may run at any time.
python3 ./wxGUI/MCA_Main.py (or ./run_wxMCA.sh) will launch the graphical user interface.
Run the examples
The same methods as before apply. Most examples have an associated run_*.cmd file that can be used to run the example under Windows.
For Linux, open a terminal in the examples folder of interest and run the python script as before.